WE HAVE US is building an ecosystem of change focusing on six key factors: food insecurities, financial literacy, agricultural awareness, educational disparities, environmental issues, and community engagement.
The WHU ecosystem organizes and facilitates the distribution of resources to low-income and underserved communities across Atlanta.
Together, with our partners, city officials and community advocates, WHU works to reverse the effects of generational poverty and rebuild broken homes through our outreach.
We Have Us — “Liberation Through Education” ®
#WHUTribe #WHU #WeHaveUs #LiberationThroughEducation #LoveConquersAll #feedthehomeless #spreadthelove #worldpeace #ItTakesAVillage #family #community #bestrestaurants #atlanta #atlantagivesback #helpinghands #amimybrotherskeeper #amimybrotherskeeperyesiam