To our bothers and sisters living in the streets, we love you and have not forgotten you. For the single mothers and fathers just trying to make a way, we have not forgotten you.
We are dedicated to helping remove obstacles so that everyone has the opportunity to thrive.
Thank you to our sponsors @monticelloatlga for continuing to help us on this journey to creating a better tomorrow.
Thank you to the volunteers who continue to share your time with this organization to be a blessing to others.
We don’t do this for likes, we do this because it’s right!
Peace & Blessings to you all!!
#WeHaveUs #LiberationThroughEducation #LoveConquersAll #feedthehomeless #spreadthelove #worldpeace #bestrestaurants #atlanta #atlantagivesback #helpinghands #amimybrotherskeeper #amimybrotherskeeperyesiam